Thank you for your payment.

Your transaction has been completed, and a receipt for registration payment has been emailed to you.

Your support enables us to continue to bring you orienteering events in the North Country.

For each different team configuration, fill out and submit a team registration below.  Solos should fill out “team” name and Member #1 information.  DIY map downloads and/or Donations should skip this step.

Team Registration
Fill out and submit a team registration for EACH different team composition. Then use the submit button at the bottom of the form.

Thank you for your payment.

Your transaction has been completed, and a receipt for registration payment has been emailed to you.

For each different team configuration, fill out and submit a team registration below.  Solos should fill out “team” name and Member #1 information.  DIY map downloads and/or Donations should skip this step.

Team Registration
Fill out and submit a team registration for EACH different team composition. Then use the submit button at the bottom of the form.